Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Comparison between Canada's Military Correctional System and the Research Paper

Comparison between Canada's Military Correctional System and the United States Military Correctional System - Research Paper Example The responsibility of the Army Correctional Command ACC is the management of resources like force structure, budget, personnel and the day to day operations of the U.S Military Corrections System (Grande, 2009). The U.S Military Corrections system has two oversees facilities in Germany and Korea, two medium security regional facilities in Fort Sill Oklahoma and Fort Lewis Washington, and one maximum security prison ( U.S Disciplinary Barracks ) in Fort Leavenworth Kansas. Both the regional Military Corrections facilities and U.S Disciplinary Barracks provide a complete range of custodial and correctional treatment programs to military offenders regardless of the branch of service, and the only maximum security facility in the department of U.S defense is the U.S Disciplinary Barracks. The military corrections system comprise of three level tiers: Level-1 accommodates inmates with sentence of less than one year. The level-1 tier has no different from the public prisons and most progra ms are the same in comparison. The marine corps operates two facilities; the navy is in charge of six facilities, while the air force manages 36 facilities. The level-1 tier is not controlled by the Army. The level-2 tier accommodates inmates with sentence of less than 7 years and is the middle tier. The majority of military offenders are retained in level two. The army is in charge and controls the better part of level two while the marine corps operates and controls 3 facilities. The Air force does not operate any facility in level two, thus majority of inmates are retained in at two Naval consolidated brigs. The level-3 accommodating inmates with sentence of more than 7 years and inmates whose character pose threat to the national security of the United states. Females are majorly confined in this level so as to benefit from the health facilities, assets and consolidated space. Level-3 tier includes male military. The level-3 does not accommodate pre-trial inmates and its mission is â€Å"Our mission, Your Future†. Unlike the United States of America, Canada has only one Military forces prison named, the Canadian Forces Service Prison and Detention Barracks (CFSPDB), located at the Canadian Forces Based Edmonton. The Canada military prison is maintained and controlled by the Canadian Forces Military Police, although non-commissioned officers NCOs from various branches of the Canadian Forces also serves as staffs at the prison. The prison confines inmates with the jail term not exceeding two years. Military offenders with a crime sentence of more than two years imprisonment are then referred to the public prison after they have been relieved of their duties as Canadian Force Personnel. Rights/Treatment of Inmates The Canada’s detention facilities at Edmonton Alberta have unforgettable experience in store for any soldier who dares to go the wrong path of the law, which is very useful in military personnel behavior corrections purposes. The Canad ian Forces Service Detention Barracks (CFSPDB) inmates go through training, counseling and are assigned various duties majorly hard labor like performing drills. For about two weeks from their arrival, the military prisoners have limited privileges like sleeping and eating, but are not allowed to make phone calls, interacting with fellow prisoners, interact with

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